Little musings on this and that

I have a new favorite French phrase: “Le pass NaviGo.” It’s the unlimited metro pass that you can buy for 20 euros a week and 40 for a month. Incredible. I can go anywhere! I can get off at every station if I want and get back on!

I may be in love… First I’ll conquer the forest green line that goes to the Sacre Coeur and then I’ll tackle the fuscia pink.

Me an my NaviGo:

First World Tour

…erm, I mean :

First Paris Tour

…wait I’ve been here before… maybe:

A Tour of Paris Among Several Others

I’ll work on it.

Today I encountered my first Dragueur, someone who tries, very rudely and with a lot of shouting, to pick you up on the street. The closest English equivalent are cat calls, but from my experience the French equivalent consists less of whistling and more of ugly garbage men of a more let us say EXPERIENCED generation trying to get your attention from across the street. As soon as I processed his French and figured out the gist of his rather irritating attention, I tried my best to look angry, aloof and to walk away quickly.

I also bought a cell phone this afternoon. It is an ugly shade of metallic chartreuse and black, and I may shoot it every time rings, but I’ll try to control myself because I’m hoping that it will save me from a life of isolation and loneliness. Maybe that’s too much pressure to put on a piece of plastic.

It’s eight o’clock and the sky right now is a delicate shade of pink. I think the only proper way to describe it is to imagine yourself on a beach at sunset on a warm summer night when you look down and see an upturned seashell staring back at you warm and rosy. That’s the color.

Through my open window I can see two other windows dimly lit, three chimneys and a large tv antenna silhouetted against the sky, and at least five pigeons vying for position on the rain gutters flapping and gliding around.

Who knew an ugly modern apartment building could be so pretty?

À plus tard

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One response to “Little musings on this and that

  1. kgary

    Julia, what happened to all your adventures? I cannot have a bookmark under ‘time wasters’ called ‘Julia’s Adventures’ if you’re not having and then excessively communication all of your copious foreign adventures. You’re letting me down here.

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